Updated 10/31/2023

Addison J. Comstock

Many of those interested in the history of Lenawee County and of Adrian,easily recognize the name Addison J. Comstock. He is considered to be the father of our town.

I had always read that he was of Quaker heritage, and indeed he was. The following information was found in the work Early Adrian, by the American Association of University Women, 1964:

Of Addison they tell us, "He was raised an orthodox Quaker -- his father being a Quaker preacher. He had become a universalist in belief and from there easily glided into open infidelity. He became a scoffer of religion, although he often had a feeling of his need for it."

The Methodist church was active in the Adrian area, and held revival services. Early Adrian continues to tell us, "Through the years, many successful revival services were held. A particularly remarkable one was held in early 1842. During this revival, Addison J. Comstock, the founder of Adrian, was converted. He avoided attendance at the revival meetings but his conscience bothered him. To escape this feeling of wrong doing, during the revival of 1842, he drove with his wife fifty miles into Calhoun County. He found no relief from his disturbed feelings, and so returned home and the next day was converted. He became a very earnest and active Christian,working in the Church for many years."

Addison J. Comstock, the Quaker, turned Methodist. A tidbit of Lenawee's history that I found interesting and surprising.